In our March newsletter Steve shared his top tips on making human connections. Find out more about why today should be the day that you make that phone call!
So many of my network, and indeed some of my clients have been struggling with that lack of control as the world spins around us, and that’s why we’re having so many more open and honest and even vulnerable conversations with our colleagues than ever before.
So why don’t you take that call that you’ve been avoiding, why don’t you have an impromptu coffee with one of your team, make some connections on LI, call your Mum, Dad, or friend that you haven’t talked to in a while?
When I gave up my corporate career to start my own business, I loved the fact that I was in control of my own destiny, but I completely underestimated how much I would miss having people around me, something we’ve all experienced during the pandemic. Having those people to keep me motivated, keep me level, hear my frustrations and act as a sounding board, even just to have a laugh!
Someone once told me that life goes more quickly if you keep doing the same things, you need to break that cycle to experience “moments” that differentiate one day from the next. In other words, take a different route to the office one day, have lunch in a new restaurant, try a new sport, travel to somewhere different and meet some new people.
In my previous corporate world, I was too focused internally (and perhaps a little arrogant) to answer many calls to connect and therefore undoubtedly missed out on some mutually beneficial relationships.
But as individuals or in a smaller business you have the chance to tap into the “non-corporate eco-system” that is on your doorstep, the thousands of people like you who have made that brave move to run their own business. I was blown away by all the people out there that are willing to offer support and inspiration, but when your time is so valuable how can you justify spending the time to uncover those that will actually go somewhere?
If I’m brutally honest you have to make the effort to find the right relationships, you have to put in the time and you have to work at it. I would say that 50% of the meetings I’ve had over the last few years are helpful, anything from making further connections, inspiring me to do or try something or even eventually becoming friends and clients. Regardless I always stick to the mantra that if you make a friend first then the sale will take care of itself later…
We all know that leading can be a lonely place, you’re surrounded by people all the time, but not necessarily people who can motivate you, listen to you, advise you objectively or make you laugh…and in today’s world it’s probably just what you need.
So, my tip for the day is make the effort to talk to someone who you weren’t planning to.
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